Friday, October 7, 2011

Candy peanut butter

So , I'm review from my kitchen. These are alright, but I really don't like candy peanut butter (even though I do like the stuff you get in a brand-name jar).

I've also never heard of making smores with peanut butter, but for some reason these have a bunch of little M&M-sized peanut butter candy things inside. Also, the marshmallow-like extrusions are pretty hard to crunch up. Overall, I liked this reasonably well (the graham chunks are good, as are the cocoa almonds and honey-roasted peanuts - and even the hard marshmallows), but the peanut butter really turns me off. If you, however, enjoy the way the peanut butter-like filling in a generic Reeces peanut butter cup tastes, and you think you would like that taste on smores, you may also like this. :)

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